Autumn is the perfect season begin eating "in-season." There are so many nourishing vegetables to enjoy. They cook up beautifully as soups, into pies, cupcakes, and muffins. And on their own, with a little butter or olive oil, I feel like I'm eating dessert with the...
Our Blog
Healthy Moves: shoulders
One "move" you can do to release tension in your neck and shoulders. How to: Either, stand against a wall or lie on your back on a mat (with knees bent). Place the ball between your spine and shoulder blade, where the neck, shoulder and upper back all meet. Keep your...
recipe for pumpkin muffins
Below instructions is downloadable recipe card.Original recipe from Go With Your Gut, by Robyn Youkilis Ingredient list: - 2 bananas- 1 15-oz) can pure pumpkin puree- 4 eggs- 1/2 c. almond butter- 4 tablespoons butter, melted- 1/2 c. almond flour- 2 tsp. ground...
The power of your nervous system… one of the many benefits.
I talk a lot about the power of our nervous system. God knew what He was doing when He created us, and I don't go a day, without being grateful for some of the tools He hardwired right into us. Here is a bit of my own story of how and when I began to experience the...
Triangle Pose
Triangle Pose Utthita Trikonasana To view on of the essential videos that cover the pose, grab your yoga mat and click here. How-To:-Begin in Tadasana, facing the long side of your yoga mat. -Step your feet wide apart (a leg's length apart, about 4 to 5...
To listen, love and lead
Most of us listen with just 25% efficiency. Chances are that even when we are not speaking or on our smart phones, we are thinking about what we will say, rather then being present and truly listening to what is being said to us. This is the normal, but how about we...
Waking up.
My morning began with two alarms that went off extremely loud. Unavoidably loud. The first one was my own. I had forgotten to turn the volume down before I went to bed. As soon as it started ringing, even though I was already awake, I rushed to turn it off; then...
Ujjayi Breath
If you have been practicing yoga for very long, you may have heard a yoga teacher say, "if you practice Ujjayi breathing..." So, what exactly is Ujjayi (oo-jy [rhymes with "pie"]-ee) breathing? Is it helpful, or just weird?? First, our breath is an involuntary...
The power of our thoughts.
"You are not your thoughts, simply the one who listens to them." - author unknown A sweet friend once described the negative thoughts as "fiery darts meant to distract, tear us down, etc." Sometimes it seems as if as soon as you find an escape from them, they have...
The practice of silence in the presence of God.
"The dispostion to accept rather then undergo—which is surely a form of charity, of love, a giving of oneself both to God and to his words." - Father Déchanet By nature, we want to accomplish. And even though many of us have heard, and quoted, "the...
To listen, love and lead.
Most of us listen with just 25% efficiency. Chances are that even when we are not speaking or on our smart phones, we are thinking about what we will say, rather then being present and truly listening to what is being said to us. This week we will dive into some...
Small Beginnings
"Do not despise small beginnings, for God rejoices to see the work begin." - Zechariah 4:10 Whenever starting something new in life, from yoga to a new job, it is easy to become frustrated with how hard or slow the process seems to move. In Jon Acuff's...
Gentle Reminders For Moms With Little Ones.
We have had Maya for 3 1/2 weeks. 3 1/2 weeks is long enough to be reminded of what parenting "littles" is like. Lots of interruptions--worthwhile interruptions, but still breaks in routine. Diapers, potty training, crying for no apparent reason, nursings and...
Making plans
“The highest reward for man’s toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it.” - John Suskin God has a plan and purpose for each of our lives. How do we know what that specific purpose is? How do we know we are even close to living...
When a yoga class is coming to a conclusion, the teacher typically closes class with the term, "Namaste." Because the word is Sanskrit, and many of us have only heard it mentioned in a yoga class, and typically is offered of the bowing of ones head, it throws people....
The benefits of drinking lemon water.
The list of benefits to starting your day with a warm cup of lemon water is quite extensive. Here are just a few to make heating up some water and slicing a lemon worth your effort. Lemons have pectin fiber. Pectin fiber aids in the suppression of hunger cravings •...