recipe for pumpkin muffins

recipe for pumpkin muffins

Below instructions is downloadable recipe card.Original recipe from Go With Your Gut, by Robyn Youkilis Ingredient list: – 2 bananas- 1 15-oz) can pure pumpkin puree- 4 eggs- 1/2 c. almond butter- 4 tablespoons butter, melted- 1/2 c. almond flour- 2 tsp. ground...

The power of your nervous system… one of the many benefits.

I talk a lot about the power of our nervous system. God knew what He was doing when He created us, and I don’t go a day, without being grateful for some of the tools He hardwired right into us. Here is a bit of my own story of how and when I began to experience...

Triangle Pose

Triangle Pose Utthita Trikonasana To view on of the essential videos that cover the pose, grab your yoga mat and click here.  How-To:-Begin in Tadasana, facing the long side of your yoga mat. -Step your feet wide apart (a leg’s length apart, about 4 to 5...