I’ve been experimenting with essential oils for years, for some reason, the thought never really occurred to me to help make it easier for others to experiement with them as well?!? Well, now I’m offering a really easy way to do just that–at an incredible price!
I’m part of this amazing group called Hello Essentials and we all use and love Young Living Essential Oils, the best and purest essential oils on the market. By far. These oils are amazing to help alleviate all sorts of things from allergies, poor sleeping, skin issues, headaches, bug bites, sore throats, coughs, colds, flu, stuffy noses, energy and the list goes on and on. The essential oils from Young Living are all therapeutic grade oils you can diffuse, apply topically and ingest. Basically things that you’d typically run to the medicine cabinet and pop a pill for, except these are totally natural.
We don’t have a ton of “issues” in our family but here is what we’ve used, with success, so far:
-Purification: on mosquito bites
-Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint: allergies (a must have in our house!!!)
-Panaway or Peppermint: headaches
-Frankincense: acne and warts, and anti-aging!
-Valor: snoring
-Lavender: diaper rash, scrapes and cuts
-Thieves: teething, fighting illness, sore throat-Peppermint: tummy aches
I’m so amazed at how versatile these oils are. And they work. I really wanted to try to find more natural, healthier alternatives for my family.
My biggest recommendation for someone new would be the Premium Starter Kit… it has SO many awesome oils in it that can be used for an almost endless range of ailments. It is $160, and comes with 11 oils, 2 sample packets of each of the top 5 oils, PLUS a diffuser! The diffuser alone is $100! The kit also makes you a “wholesale member” which gives you 24% off any reorders/future purchases you might want to make. Think of it like a Sam’s Club membership… you pay your member fee (which is ordering the kit) and you get the special member pricing. This does NOT mean you have to be a distributor and do the business like me.